The Marriage Builders Radio show

I really can’t tell you what a treasure the Marriage Builders Radio program is.  This radio program saved my marriage.

Each weekday, Dr. Willard Harley and his wife Joyce host a one hour internet radio show (at times the show is also aired on broadcast stations).  They usually take a caller as well as answer emails that have been sent in.  They usually send the caller and some of the writers a free book.

The show is intensely educational.  I found out that even though sometimes the topics covered didn’t apply directly to my marriage, it still helped me to learn about how the basic concepts of having a good marriage should be applied in different situations.  Seeing these concepts applied so many times made it start to become automatic applying them to myself.Free Marriage Counseling: Where to get the best marriage advice in America, 24/7

The show is streamed for free over the Internet 24/7.  Let me emphasize that this is free.  The most effective marriage therapist in America is giving out an hour of free help and education each week day.  It’s like a marriage class taught by the best marriage teacher possible.  If you have any marital trouble at all, passing up even a single show is insane – each day’s show might have something that will help you learn what you need to know, or help you stay motivated to follow the plan to turn your marriage around.

After listening to the show for awhile I decided I wanted to join the paid show archives as well.  There are recorded shows going back to 2006.  As of this writing there are over 6500 saved radio segments in the archive.  At about 8 minutes apiece (many are longer), that’s over 866 hours of recorded marriage help.  There is a cost for an archive membership, but it is so very worth it for becoming an expert in how to fix your marriage problems.  Marriage problems are complicated, and you need all the help you can get!  Fortunately, most marriage problems are very common and typical, and if you learn how to use a few basic concepts you can usually work through most of them with your spouse – if you are willing to invest the time and practice that it takes to become an expert.

I can’t imagine what it would cost me to hire Dr. Harley for 866 one hour sessions, but I’ve apparently listened to him for at least that many hours, very affordably.  No wonder we were finally able to turn our marriage around!

I’m not paid one blessed dime to write all this.  This is not a paid endorsement.  I believe that Marriage Builders Radio is the best value marriage help you can get in the entire world, and I am passionate about helping people recover their marriages, so I want you to know about this fantastic resource.  This is my secret.  This is why my wife and I are fantastically happy together – because we got over 866 hours of expert help for our marriage.

If I can help you learn to put these principles to work in your marriage, send me an email at

Also, I strongly encourage you to email the Marriage Builders Radio show.  Send an email to with your question.  Include your phone number and your address so you can be contacted about being on the show and so they can send you a book afterward.  Dr. Harley and Joyce are working tirelessly to save marriages, and all this is free to you.  Take advantage of it.

But don’t just go on the show once – listen daily.  Learning really has to involve repetition.  I must be the slowest learner of them all because I had to hear hundreds of hours of this material before it started sinking in.  Listen to what they recommend to people in situations like yours – listen to other situations and see how the concepts are applied.

Here is the Marriage Builders Radio show page.

Here is the Marriage Builders Radio archives page.